Work at Educative Tech
Who we are
Educative Tech is an education technology solutions provider for Bible-based education institutions.
We offer state-of-the-art cloud-based administrative and teaching systems, leverage market-leading open-source systems, and develop custom plugins and integrations on these systems for our clients. We also develop bespoke, world-first software solutions for Biblical organisations that enable them to be more efficient and increase their reach in doing God’s work in the world.
We aim to be the foremost technology service provider to Bible-based educational institutions the world over.
We are grateful to serve with a team of people who are excellent at what they do, work at a high quality standard, get paid a healthy wage and are in a living relationship with our triune God. As a business, we want to serve our clients in accordance with our Biblical values.
Where we find ourselves in history
The western world was built on the back of the protestant faith community with its powerful work ethic. This is clear when you look at a world map showing GDP per capita and a similar map showing the historic distribution of Protestantism and overlay them.
It is no secret that this community is under attack in our day. Often, believers cannot speak out about their faith in their workplace. Even Christian business leaders have been pressured to not be outspoken about Jesus, their King. In other instances Christian businesses abused the name of Christ for political or financial gain while providing mediocre service.
As a business run by believers, we are unashamed of our King, Jesus. We are thankful to have a company where believers with exceptional skills can work for a fair wage, in a healthy working environment, without fear of persecution in the workplace.
Why work with us
Psalm 133. Verse 1 says:
Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
Verse 3:
It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.
By the mercy of God, we can all testify of the joy we have been experiencing because of such unity in our team.
Unity among fallen humans is impossible to establish and maintainBut we thank God that He sent his Son, King Jesus, to come and bridge the chasm of self absorption between us and God and between us and others by shouldering our well deserved penalty for that self-centeredness when he died on the cross, giving us “life forevermore” (Ps 133:3) and making us one in Him. Also see Romans 5:9-10.
This is the foundation of what frees us from constant conflict and empowers us to do meaningful work. For this reason, we decided to only hire people who understand and love the truth above.
Work ethic
But is it enough to be a believer?
We are saved by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection, which assures us of new life. But God does not leave us there. The Holy Spirit indwells us and empowers us to work better than ever, see Gal 5:25.
This is why our values include diligence (Prov. 21:5; Prov. 12:24), skill (Prov. 22:29) and extraordinary service (Matt. 5:41). See our Values page for more. As our societies decay, honest, high quality work at a fair price stands out.
We want to emphasise that we are not a ministry but a business. Our standards should be so high that we are able to compete with other businesses and exceed their performance. Jesus commanded us to leverage wealth for His glory in Luke 16:8–10.
As the creator of the world, God designed every sphere of creation to be a source of knowledge about Him and an area in which to serve him. It is a meaningful and valid mission to work to explore, develop, consecrate and enjoy any part of creation for His glory (e.g. Psalm 19:1-6, Gen 1:28, Eccl 2:24). Most of us are not in full time ministry and, therefore, doing these things are our very calling in life. Believers in the Bible were commended for undertaking many missions, even dangerous and risky ones; ones that go beyond only spiritual knowledge building in the society, church and home (Heb 11:32-40).
As a business, we have a mission to leverage the best of human technological achievement for the glory of King Jesus and the service of His people.
Work life balance
We believe that there are no healthy individuals without healthy communities and there are no healthy communities without healthy families.
Therefore, we strongly encourage emotional health and work life balance with flexible hours, a fully remote working arrangement, a living wage, and supportive community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you pay well?
Our wage rates are competitive. Our goal is that every team member must be able to provide for his (or her) needs and that of his dependents and be inclined to feel thankfulness for the wage he receives instead of stress about finances.
The actual wage differs from person to person according to the level of expertise required or the number of hours worked for the company; some members work part time while others full time.
Where are you based?
Educative Tech incorporated in the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa where some of our team members are based.
Our team is remote first and location agnostic. Our systems are set up to enable smooth operation despite not being near each other.
Job openings
Software Engineer
Job Description This role is for someone who wants to use their skills as a software engineer within a Christian context, working for and enabling Bible-based organisations across the world to work more efficiently and increase their reach. This is an...